Things That You Should Know About Craft Wine
Craft Wine is a local, small, handmade product. Certified Craft Wine is a small-production wine made in runs of less than 5,000 cases. For a wine to achieve the designation of Certified Craft Wine, the winemaker must lead production from the process of grape selection through fermentation. Since we work across all Craft Beer Montmorency alcohol categories and types, we keep it simple and have one definition. For us, craft alcohol is any alcohol that requires some level of art along with science, is made by the maker, uses real ingredients, and is independently owned. So craft wine isn't a thing, but the wine industry can learn some tips from the success of craft beer and take on some of their bearded followers into the bargain. But it is interesting, quality wine that will cause them to wipe the froth from their whiskers, not cheap, bland stuff in fancy bottles. This concept is nothing new for the wine industry. From small independent wine merchants like Red Sq...